Monday, September 22, 2008

VP candidate gets Hacked

Vice President nominee, Sarah Palin's yahoo e-mail was hacked last week . The FBI used forensics techniques to trace the Hacker's IP address to David Kernell's(the Son of the Democrat Tennessee State Representative, Mike Kernell) computer at his apartment, who was using an Internet anonymity service. The FBI searched the log files of the service and found Kernell visiting Yahoo's mail service, resetting Palin's password via a brute force attack ,and announcing results of the break-in on a Web site where the hacking was first revealed.

I found this article most approporiate for the research I am conducting on discovering the identities of attackers who intrude into computer networks. This article does raise a few quetions, such as how does one discover the identity of an attacker, who uses an anonymity service and will this be treated as a digital Watergate?

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