Sunday, September 14, 2008

The flood

Throughout the weekend, Northwest Indiana has been bombarded with rainstorm after rainstorm.On Friday night, the section of Calumet Ave. that lies in front of the restaurant that I manage during the third shift became saturated with about 6 to 8 inches of water. When I returned Saturday evening, the water had mostly dissipated, despite the constant rainfall. When I left the restaurant Sunday Morning around 7 , the status of the road was similar to what it was during the evening, however hell broke loose after I had returned home to get some rest. When I woke up, I heard about the Little calumet overflowing and later on found that all Northward local roads from Calumet Ave. to Cline Ave. had been closed.
My family and I went initally to the Kenndey Ave.bridgehead in hopes of finding it still open (we thought their was a possiblity that Purdue Calumet would still be open tomorrow and my father was looking for a way to get to Mittal Steel), since the Kennedy Ave. bridge was constructed to be higher off the Little Calumet than other local bridgeheads. To our surprise, Kennedy Ave. was also blocked off . We decided to see why it was blocked off and parked at a local bowling alley, when we walked to the bridgehead we saw several mounds of dirt placed directly in the middle of the road and alongside a recently constructed cement wall that protects a local subdivision from the Little Calumet. When we reached the bridgehead, I saw why the road was blocked. The water level was nearly equal to that of the bottom of the bridge and even stranger yet, the Little Calumet was flowing in the opposite direction.
After returning home, we walked over towards the Calumet Ave. bridgehead and noticed several ambulances heading toward the bridgehead. As we walked closer to the bridgehead, I noticed National Guard vehicles that were coming and going from the site, there were several towed boats parked on the side of Calumet Ave with State police stationed inside of them, several news trucks ,and I noticed the eerie glistering of the street and parking lots nearby. We continued to walk towards the bridgehead until we could go no further due to the saturation of sidewalk and street by the flood. As I looked into the parking lot of the strip mall where Target lies, one could see the unfortunate cars that were not recovered in time and were nearly engulfed completely by the flood, only their upper section could be seen.After a couple of ambulances and school buses left the Bridgehead area( carrying patients from the Hammond clinic to higher ground and to safety), the flood began to advance again engulfing the area I stood. My family and I fell back to avoid the flood water and continued to watch it advance Southward. After I had reached higher ground, I pondered what fate lies for the restaurant I work at ,which was even closer to the bridgehead than the spot I was at.

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